ACDIS national is always happy to publish chapter newsletters, “save the date” flyers, or other documents to your local chapter or networking group page on the website. However, we do prefer documents saved in PDF format to streamline the process of...Read More »
by Linnea Archibald
Productivity expectations are a tricky topic, often talked about in nonspecific terms that leave those trying to set benchmarks for their department lost in the mist. While productivity metric expectations should be...Read More »
by Melissa Varnavas
By the end of January 2021, the total number of deaths associated with the pandemic neared 450,000, according to John Hopkins’ coronavirus tracker. That’s the official count. Most in healthcare understand that...Read More »
by Carolyn Riel
One of the main aspects of the CDI role is provider education. But unlike query impacts—both financial and quality related—proving an ROI for educational efforts can be exceptionally difficult. There are no quality scores or rankings, no DRG changes, no concrete...Read More »
by Trey La Charité, MD, FACP, SFHM, CCS, CCDS
So, your organization has a CDI program. How do you know if it’s any good? What positive impact is it having on your facility? Is it achieving everything it can? These questions can be answered only if you have performance data to...Read More »
Elisa Sninchak, M.Ed, BSN, RN, CCDS, CDIP, CCS, is the education manager at Novant Health in Charlotte, North Carolina, the co-leader for the ACDIS CDI Educators Networking Group, and a member of the ACDIS CDI Leadership Council. She has been in the CDI field for five years.Read More »
The ability to communicate effectively with staff, the C-suite, providers, and other organizational entities is arguably the most important soft skill for a good leader.
“You can’t succeed as a manager if you can’t communicate your goals, your department’s mission, and your impact on the...Read More »