It was a real privilege to serve on the 2017 ACDIS Conference Committee, even though it involved a lot of hard work, and tough decisions regarding the selection of speakers and award winners.
One of the sessions that caught the interest of...Read More »
Editor’s note: From time to time, we like to take a moment to share a behind-the-scenes look at what the ACDIS and broader HCPro team has been working on. Today, we wanted to shed some light on one of our e-learning producers, Amanda Southworth. Amanda recently...Read More »
After a few trial runs, new CDI specialists should be given the opportunity to review records on their own. Before composing any queries during this initial stage, the manager or mentor should review...Read More »
Q: We are currently coding a chart for an acute kidney injury which has the baseline serum creatinine and urine output missing from the chart. Is there something we can do to identify additional information before we have to query the physician?
With CDI Week 2017 only 74 days away, it’s time to get planning as to how you’ll show your CDI pride. In the past, CDI programs have taken whole team pictures together, thrown lunch parties, held after-hours get-togethers outside of the office walls, extended thanks to the most helpful...Read More »
Many clinical documentation improvement (CDI) programs now look to capture risk-adjusted conditions which help improve the capture of a patient’s severity of illness and risk of mortality regardless of...Read More »