Director's Note: CDI Week celebrations commence!

CDI Strategies - Volume 5, Issue 18

Well, we’re almost here at Clinical Documentation Improvement Week, which begins this Sunday, Sept. 18Almost since day 1 of the start of ACDIS back on Oct. 1, 2007, our members have asked (clamored might be a better word) for a week to recognize this unique profession. It’s finally here! Special thanks go to the ACDIS CDI Recognition Committee for helping to plan and organize this event and for providing our members with some wonderful resources to use throughout the week.

Please take a look at our CDI Week page, where you will find:
ACDIS members will also receive a daily Q&A e-mail from various industry experts, as well as the results of our recent CDI Industry Overview Survey to kick off the week.
Special thanks to the generosity of former ACDIS Advisory Board member Wendy DeVreugd and her Kindred Healthcare colleagues who worked very hard to put together a wonderful 10-minute video clip that has been posted to the CDI Week website. It exemplifies the CDI mission, and preaches the value of good documentation to physicians. We hope that you will take a few minutes to watch the video and share it with your physicians. Consider looping it on a TV in a physicians’ lounge, including the link in physician newsletters or forwarding to physician offices.
There will also be a number of CDI Week give-a-ways sponsored by ACDIS,. For example, we will post a new CDI-related cartoon to the ACDIS Blog each day. The first five people who post clever captions for these cartoons will win a prize. Additionally, we invite CDI professionals to share their success stories with their peers. On Wednesday, e-mail ACDIS Director Brian Murphy at with a brief (two or three paragraph) description of a CDI success story: For example, a department goal you reached, a difficult physician you won over, or a team building event you created. Prizes will be awarded to selected respondents.
Finally, one last idea to contemplate as you and your CDI peers prepare to celebrate your profession. Members of the California ACDIS Chapter are hosting a number of “after-hours” events all over the state. There will be one on Wednesday, September 21, from 5-8 p.m., at the Clement Street Bar & Grill, in San Francisco, one on Friday, September 23, from 5-8 p.m. at the Yard House - Paseo Colorado in Pasadena, and tentative plans are in the works for another event in Ontario. Consider reaching out to your local ACDIS Chapter leaders to help them organize a few similar events in your area or reach out to other facilities in your vicinity to plan a post-work get-together. If you do set a date for an event let us know by e-mailing Melissa Varnavas at and we’ll help get the word out by publishing it on the ACDIS Blog and social networking sites.
Most of all, enjoy your week—you deserve it. Let’s celebrate!
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