ACDIS update: CCDS/CCDS-O Exam Candidate Handbook updated

CDI Strategies - Volume 16, Issue 1

The CCDS/CCDS-O Exam Candidate Handbook has been updated on the ACDIS website to reflect any changes to the certification process over the past two years due to COVID-19, as well as with information for our new examination provider, Prometric. It can be found in the CCDS and CCDS-O sections of the “Certifications” tab.

Most notably, Prometric supports remote proctoring, allowing CCDS/CCDS-O candidates to take their exams from their own homes or elsewhere. This means that even during the times of COVID-19 outbreaks, candidates will still be able to sit for the certification exam wherever they feel most comfortable.

When you sign up for remote proctoring, you’ll receive a confirmation email with important instructions on test security procedures, a link to install the ProProctor application and perform a system check to ensure compatibility with your computer, environmental requirements, prohibited items, expected examinee conduct, and Test Center processes.

While online proctoring allows candidates to take the exam from the comfort of their own home, do be aware that you will be under the supervision of a proctor who will insist on a full inspection of your testing environment. You will need a clean, clutter free workplace free of all pictures, books (except allowed resources), etc. This includes second monitors and more.

Your person will be inspected (sleeves, any areas where clothing could have pockets, behind your ears for possible Bluetooth devices, etc.). Your desk and chair will also be inspected, so be prepared to move your computer camera around to show the room.

You will also need to make sure you have your exam number and a driver’s license or other photo ID, and make sure that the name on your ID matches the name you used to register for the exam.

To read the full updated CCDS/CCDS-O Exam Candidate Handbook, click here.

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