News: AMA urges CMS to further simplify quality payment program

CDI Strategies - Volume 11, Issue 37

While the American Medical Association (AMA) supports some of CMS’ proposals for year two of the Medicare Quality Payment Program (QPP), in some areas, it’s urging CMS to do more to simplify value-based payments, according to Revenue Cycle Advisor.

“CMS has been a good partner in smoothing out the bumps [in the QPP], but the program still needs to be more understandable and less burdensome,” said AMA President David O. Barbe, MD, MHA, in the AMA’s letter to CMS.

In the fiscal year (FY) 2018 QPP proposed rule, CMS recommended that year two (2018) of the QPP under the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA) should be transitional to allow providers additional time to adjust to value-based payments. Participation in the QPP in 2018 affects 2020 payments. Comments on the proposed rule were due by August 22.

The AMA believes CMS should take its time developing a standard methodology for performance improvement rewards. “CMS should continue to seek feedback and analyze data before adopting an approach to measure and score improvement, which may add complexity to the program and, once implemented, may be difficult to change,” AMA Executive Vice President and CEO James L. Madara, MD, said in the AMA’s letter.

“The AMA strongly supports many of CMS’ proposals that will create stability within the quality-performance category for physicians—including not increasing the number of quality measures a physician is required to report,” said Madara.

Editor’s note: To read the release from the AMA, click here. To read the complete QPP proposed rule, click here. To read a recent issue of the CDI Journal focused on quality measures, click here.

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Clinical & Coding, News

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