As part of the sixth annual Clinical Documentation Improvement Week, ACDIS conducted a series of interviews with CDI professionals on a variety of emerging industry topics.

Cynthia Raymond, RN, CPC, CPC-H, CCDS; Lindsay Wenk
Here’s a goal you can probably relate to: trying to review 100% of Medicare cases. But with a goal like that, how is anyone supposed to start reviewing other DRG payers, especially when hiring additional staff isn’t an option?...

Karen DiMeglio, RN, MS, CPC, CCDS; Jill O’Brien, MD
Are you struggling to get your physicians to understand why documentation is so important? Maybe you need the right physician advisor partner. This session will review how to choose the right physician advisor and identify...

Sam Antonios, MD, FACP, FHM, CCDS
This session will review how to use analytics to support and augment the power of your CDI program and leap into the next phase in healthcare. It will discuss the expansion of data and analytics, how to use analytics to prioritize optimization...

Megan Buyrn, BSN, RN, CCDS; Pence Livingston, BSN, RN; MaryKate Rentschler, MBA, BSN, RN

This session will describe the process that one regional academic medical center took to improve attending documentation of medical necessity for inpatient and observation status. Current...
