A sound CDI program can’t be built on the needs of a single staff member, regardless of his or her qualifications, you have to build the business case for a flexible schedule based on the program’s overarching needs and the benefit of that role to the facility.

Melanie Halpern, RN...

In response to a 30-question survey, 482 clinical documentation improvement (CDI) professionals provided data about the number of staff their programs employ, the number of queries their programs generate, and the number of chart reviews their staff perform. They offered information on the focus...

Attached is the powerpoint presentation The Power of Case Studies: Death Review and SOI/ROM, as presented by Cheryl Ericson, MS, RN, Manager of Clinical Documentation Integrity and Utilization Review at Medical University of South Carolina.

Attached is the powerpoint presentation Gray Areas in CDI: Negotiating the Relationship, as presented by James S. Kennedy, MD, CCS, Managing Director, FTI Healthcare.

Attached is the powerpoint presentation Creating a Point-of-Entry Clinical Documentation Specialist/Case Manager, as presented by Kathleen A. Bower, DNSc, RN, FAAN, Arinda F. Kennedy, RN, CCDS, The Center for Case Management, Wellesley, MA.

Attached is the powerpoint presentation Bridging the CDI gap: Bringing the clinical/coding reconciliation process together, as presented by Margi Brown, RHIA, CCS, CCS-P, CPC, CCDS, and Lynne Spryszak, RN, CCDS, CPC-A.
