Cheryl Ericson, MS, RN, CCDS, CDI-P, CDI education director at ezDI, donated this sample query to demonstrate how CDI specialists can use their queries as a method of clinical validation--to ensure the diagnosis documented in the medical record includes the necessary clinical indicators to...

Use this example definition of postoperative respiratory failure as adapted by New York University Langone Medical Center's Mary McGrady, MSN, RN, CCDS and Murali K. Nagarajan, CCS, MB, BS following their webinar presentation...

The electronic health record (EHR) has been a game-changer for CDI specialists. Information that was once buried in storage and hard to access is now at the fingertips of physicians and CDI specialists, leading to a more detailed reference and a richer picture of a patient’s medical history....

SPONSORED - by Nuance

As part of the fifth annual Clinical Documentation Improvement Week, ACDIS has conducted a series of interviews with CDI professionals on a variety of emerging industry topics.

Millie G. Alexander, RN, BS, CCDS takes an in-depth look at how to write clinical evidence queries.
