Suggested changes for the fiscal year (FY) 2020 Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS) payment rule for acute and long-term care hospitals...Read More »
Wrestling with bandwidth challenges, a large physician group in the Midwest struggled with making changes to status quo documentation and coding practices. While documentation and coding improvements were acknowledged as critical success factors, options for making such improvements without...
Implementation of two historic rules set to implement interoperability and patient access provisions of the Cures Act, have been postponed until...Read More »
This month, CMS begins auditing a sample of hospitals for compliance with price transparency rule. The rule, effective January 1, 2021, requires...Read More »
Each stage of the CDI documentation integrity process represents an opportunity for additional leakage of accurate and appropriate documentation, resulting in inaccurate coding of conditions being monitored and treated during the patient's encounter. And despite massive investments in...