Local chapter update: Sending thoughts to our friends affected by hurricane Dorian

CDI Strategies - Volume 13, Issue 36

Amazingly, Hurricane Dorian spared Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands this week. As the storm seemed aimed in their direction our Puerto Rico ACDIS Chapter leaders assured us of their steadfast nature and stout hearts. Meanwhile, however, our CDI friends in Florida, Georgia, and elsewhere along the eastern seaboard braced for the storm. According to CNN, Dorian could be the strongest hurricane to hit the Florida coast since 1992 and would be the fourth year in a row that a hurricane made landfall there. The most years in a row since the 1940s.

Those working in healthcare not only need to take care of themselves and their families during times of crisis but also of their healthcare communities. During a panel discussion at the 2019 ACDIS national conference Johanne “Jo” Brautigam, RN, BSN, CCDS, clinical documentation integrity manager at Roper Saint Francis Healthcare in Charleston, SC, and her colleague Deborah Lawrence, RN, CCDS, CDI specialist there, explained opportunities for CDI professionals during emergency situations including power outages, and EHR blackouts. During times such as these, CDI professionals need to essentially roll up their sleeves and help out in any way possible. They indicated that remote staff often need to come onsite to the facility to be on the floor tracking the loose documentation and flagging orders for follow-up later. They also encouraged CDI programs to develop emergency plans ahead of any potential disasters.

ACDIS local chapters offer a close-to-home community of like-minded individuals who share best-practices and CDI experiences. They also often pull together at their meetings to raise funds and donate food or other items to local charities.

While Dorian’s path and outcomes at the time of this publication remains unclear, we know that our local chapter members can count on each other and the ACDIS community despite rain and wind.

The following is a list of upcoming events for ACDIS local chapters. If you have an upcoming event you would like to include, please email Melissa Varnavas (mvarnavas@acdis.org) and Linnea Archibald (larchibald@acdis.org). 



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