Insight into the industry can provide CDI professionals with direction for their own professional careers and CDI programs. Join ACDIS Associate Editorial Director Linnea Archibald as she hosts a panel on the state of the CDI industry with members of the Furthering Education Committee and a...Read More »
The ACDIS national office will close at 12 p.m. Eastern on Friday, September 2 and remain closed through Monday, September 5, in observance of Labor Day. We will return on Tuesday, September 6 to answer your questions and catch up on anything we may have missed.
Join ACDIS Editor and Product Coordinator Karla Accorto on Thursday, September 15 at 2 p.m. Eastern for a demonstration of ACDIS Outpatient PRO, an interactive and...Read More »
It can be a struggle for many local chapter leaders to plan meeting topics, not to mention get a good turnout for the meeting. One of the best ways to garner interest is to simply ask your members what they’d like to learn. Educational opportunities for CDI are always important, but they are...Read More »
Does it ever feel like case mix index (CMI) is all some leaders care about? This metric is widely used and often badly misunderstood. For CDI professionals, it can be tough to communicate the realities of CMI and what CDI can influence—and what it cannot....Read More »