A new study suggests that one in 20 adults experience hospitalization within 28 days of being diagnosed with respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), according to MedPage Today.
CMS, in collaboration with the Rand Corporation, has released a report detailing the differences between rural and urban healthcare, according to the American...Read More »
The 2025 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS) final rule was released on November 1 and contains a number of billing modifications to payment rates, services, telehealth rules, and other such services.
Family physicians are among the top three specialties in medicine experiencing burnout this year, according to a survey conducted by Medscape Medical News. Recently, researchers examined what is driving...Read More »
Last week at the Obesity Society’s Obesity Week meeting, a preview was shown of an upcoming document to reframe the diagnosis of obesity, Medscape Medical News reported....Read More »
Besides facilitating opportunities for networking, mentorship, and community, hosting educational sessions for members is a big part of what makes ACDIS local chapters and networking groups so valuable. While organizing them, chapter leaders are encouraged to...Read More »