Those working in the healthcare field really value their credentials. The letters after a person’s name open many professional doors for an individual. When I worked as a nursing manager, if an applicant held AACN certification that simple...Read More »
Q: I have a patient whose chief complaint was shortness of breath (SOB) and, after studies, the patient was found to have moderate to large B/L pulmonary embolism (PE) and extensive B/L lower extremity deep vein thrombosis (DVT). The coding staff is using the PE as the principal...Read More »
One of the many coder/CDI obligations is to report noncompliant activities. Your employer’s compliance plan may direct you to report these noncompliant observations to the compliance officer or a compliance hotline.
Q: I have a question regarding CDI practice by registered nurses (RN) in states in which they do not have an endorsement of their nursing licenses. Some facilities do not require this, whereas others do.
Obviously, it makes it much easier if the states in which an RN CDI...Read More »
The 30-day all cause acute myocardial infarction (AMI) mortality outcome measure has been linked to hospital payments since the inception of the Hospital Value-Based Purchasing Program (HVBP) in fiscal year 2013. In February 2016, CMS announced that...Read More »
Q:We are getting pressure from our othopods to send all queries to their nurse practitioner (NP). Our facility bylaws allow NPs to function independently and they are allowed to answer queries without co-signature, so we routinely send queries to NPs who are caring for...Read More »