ACDIS update: Get the latest regulatory advice at ACDIS Virtual
By now you’ve likely heard about “Staying Engaged: ACDIS Presents Virtual Education & Community,” a networking and educational event featuring a select number of sessions from the previously scheduled main conference with additional information pertaining to the unprecedented educational needs of the CDI profession at this time.
While the whole agenda is full of useful information and educational sessions, ACDIS Virtual has two sessions in particular geared toward helping attendees unpack the latest regulatory guidelines and understand their implications for CDI work.
On the first day of the event, James S. Kennedy, MD, CCS, CDIP, CCDS, and Kathryn DeVault MSL, RHIA, CCS, CCS-P, FAHIMA, will present “CDI Pertinent Coding Clinic Updates.” Session attendees will learn the latest must-have advice to leverage the American Hospital Association’s Coding Clinic for ICD-10-CM/PCS and coding fundamentals in daily record review practices.
Then, on day two, the ACDIS Regulatory Committee will be presenting “2021 IPPS Proposed Rule and Advocacy.” Attendees will learn what the IPPS proposed rule contains and how it may affect your organization and your CDI processes. Plus, you’ll hear how you can make a difference through commenting to CMS (it’s not as hard as you think!)
Keep your mind sharp and up to date in these ever-changing times. “Staying Engaged: ACDIS Presents Virtual Education & Community” happens June 17-19. Won’t you join us?