Note from the CCDS Coordinator: Over the Y92.838 and through the Y92.821 to Grandmother’s Y92.01 we go

CDI Strategies - Volume 11, Issue 54

By Penny Richards

Ah. Thanksgiving. While the ACDIS team will be out of the office for the Thanksgiving holiday and Black Friday, we know that the opportunities for mishaps requiring medical attention are far too plentiful to mention. We wouldn’t want to leave you without ACDIS’ guidance in this trying time, so here is a short list of codes that might prove helpful to the on-duty clinical documentation specialist.

  • Y92.65: Dining on an oil rig.
  • Y92.015: The garage where you’re deep frying a turkey. Hint: Take the fryer out into the yard or you may need to remember “911” to summon the fire department.
  • X00: Exposure to the above uncontrolled fire in the garage.
  • Y92.321: High school football field where Junior’s tears his ACL running for a touchdown.
  • Y92.511: Restaurant as the location of the bad meal the day after Thanksgiving that sends you to the emergency department.
  • Y93.4: Activities involving dancing and other rhythmic movement, from your overjoyed state of being when all the guests go home.

A few other codes of possible importance:

  • X50.0: Overextension from strenuous movement or load (whether pulling the turkey out of the oven or Uncle Sid out of the recliner). Remember you’ll need a seventh character (“A” initial encounter; “B” subsequent encounter, “C” sequella).
  • X15.0: Contact with hot stove.
  • F50.81: Excessive eating.
  • Z63.1: Problem in relationships with in-laws, perhaps over lumpy gravy or the children’s manners.

We hope that these codes prove a helpful resource for your holiday. Have a happy Thanksgiving, from all of us at ACDIS!

Editor’s note: Penny Richards is the CCDS Coordinator for ACDIS. Contact her at

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ACDIS Guidance, Clinical & Coding