Timothy Brundage, MD, CCDS, and Sylvia Hoffman, RN, CCDS, C-CDI, CDIP, explain why obtaining physician buy-in to CDI is the most frustrating day-to-day aspect of CDI. The tools shared in this presentation demonstrate how pay for performance, quality metrics, ROM, and SOI scores in conjunction...

Abby Steelhammer, MBA/MHA, RN, and Larry Weems II, MD, provide insight and understanding for partnering and leveraging resources to meet overall organizational goals. The presentation includes an overview of Novant Health's CDI program dynamics and reviews its transformational team approach...

Andrew Rothschild, MD, MS, MPH, presentation explores how CDI specialists and coders are taught not to question a physician's clearly documented diagnosis. But what happens when that diagnosis seems to have come from left  field? Specialists and coders are also bound to clarify apparent...

Brent Hadder, MD, explores the ICU where multiple issues involving multiple organ systems and diagnoses occur simultaneously. He shares strategies implemented at the University of Iowa to improve surgical ICU documentation and coding. Hadder illustrates how a practicing physician and...

Mark N. Dominesey, RN, BSN, MBA, CCDS, CDIP, CHITS-CP, MCP, explains how to create and use a directed step query in order to increase physician participation in the query process and to maximize  specificity as demanded by ICD-10.

Below are the links to the recordings of all the past 2014 calls, the CEU information for each call, and the links to any ACDIS updates discussed during each call. The most recent call is at the top of the list.

  • Thursday, November 20: This call featured a roundtable
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