Carrie Willmer, BS, BSN, RN, CCDS, CDIP, is the CDI director for SCL Health in Broomfield, Colorado, and is a member of the ACDIS CDI Leadership Council and the Colorado ACDIS local chapter. She is currently pursuing her master’s degree in organizational leadership.
FEATURES 6 Need-to-know basics 12 What CDI hiring managers are looking for 17 Record reviews: Finding what works for you 22 Recapping the 2021...Read More »
by Linnea Archibald
A new year often means a spike in gym memberships, dieting, decluttering, and resolutions for all the ways people plan to better themselves and their lives in the coming 12 months. Of course, we all know (and...Read More »
by Carolyn Riel
The primary purpose of CDI work is the review of a medical record to increase the accuracy, clarity, and specificity of provider documentation. CDI specialists must be able to apply both clinical and coding knowledge in order to discern relevant clinical conditions...Read More »
by Angelica Naylor, MBA, BSN, RN, CCDS, CCS
Most of us know what CDI stands for and what it means. Most of us also know that it is a lot more than the three-letter acronym for clinical documentation integrity. What about the nursing, coding, and medical professionals who do not...Read More »
by Carolyn Riel
When you’re looking to enter the world of CDI, filling out your first application can be a daunting task. You may not know what experience to include on your resume, what completed training is relevant, or what interpersonal skills a hiring manager might be looking...Read More »
ACDIS’ volunteer boards and committees are the heartbeat of our organization. The people serving in these groups provide best-practice guidance, review materials for publication, advocate on behalf of the association’s members, plan celebrations and appreciation programs, and much more.
by Linnea Archibald
According to the soon-to-be-released 2021 CDI Salary Survey, nearly 50% of CDI programs are planning to hire in the next 12 months. After budget cuts, staff furloughs, layoffs, and other drawbacks in 2020, this data is likely a welcome sign for CDI...Read More »