Officially, the CDI specialist’s role is to facilitate accurate, complete, and consistent clinical documentation within the health record to demonstrate the quality of the care provided and to support coding and reporting of high-quality...Read More »
Lisa Farhar, RN, MSN, MBA, CCDS, is an advisory specialist at Deloitte and Touché, LLP, in Indianapolis, Indiana, and a member of the Indiana ACDIS local chapter.Read More »
Just like that, spring has come and gone and summer is upon us. While the summertime holds vacations, beach days, and bonfires, there are also a number of ACDIS local chapter and national events coming up to help you connect with your peers outside the office.Read More »
Many CDI specialists come from a purely coding background, while others who have a purely clinical background seek additional education in the coding realm and have attained certification in the field of coding. Regardless of the...Read More »
Physician advisors do everything from providing pre-/postbill clinical documentation support to assisting with Recovery Auditor (RA) appeals and drafting appeal letters to reviewing charts for medical necessity of inpatient admissions.Read More »
By Cheryl Ericson, RN, MS, CCDS, CDIP, and Cathy Farraher, RN, MBA, CCM, CCDS
Whenever CDI staff is uncomfortable sending a clinical validation query, the physician advisor should be consulted both prior to sending it, as well as prior to following up on the response if necessary...Read More »
There is a book that every CDI specialist who’s been in the field for more than 10 years knows about, but I recently had a conversation with a group of CDI specialists with four years of experience who were not familiar with this book. The book...Read More »