ACDIS members are invited to participate in ACDIS’ Quarterly Membership Conference Call today, Thursday, February 20. During the call, the ACDIS Advisory Board and members of the ACDIS administration team will discuss the second case study in ACDIS’ Provider Engagement series, titled “Hybrid...Read More »
If you’ve never attended a prior ACDIS conference, the experience is hard to convey in words. Viewers of our special sneak peek webinar will have the opportunity to see pictures of conferences past and get an insider glimpse at what thousands of CDI professionals from around the country have...Read More »
Punxsutawney Phil predicted an early spring on Groundhog Day this year and we can’t wait for warmer weather! Spring isn’t just about flowers and warming temperatures, though. It’s also prime time for local chapters and networking groups to host in-person meetings and set plans for later summer...Read More »
It seems like forever ago, but in reality it was about five years ago that I had relocated to California from my home state of New York and was searching for clinical research jobs. I happened to type in foreign...Read More »
Most of you have received the ACDIS 2020 conference brochure in your mailbox over the past week or so. We hope that its arrival caused as much excitement for you as it did for us. (Yes, we seriously were clapping and cheering in the office when it arrived. We’...Read More »
Most CDI specialists are earning $80,000–$89,999 (18.61%), followed closely by those who made $90,000–$99,999 (17.48%), according to the 2019 CDI Survey released this week. In previous years, the largest bracket has been those who earn $70,000-$79,999 annually. Additionally, those earning the...Read More »
ACDIS is pleased to debut a second case study in its Provider Engagement series, titled “Hybrid Engagement Model: Orlando Health, NYU Langone offer flexible approaches.” This case study covers how both organizations handle the pros and cons of having a hybrid remote and onsite CDI team and how...Read More »
The ACDIS Regulatory Committee, established in 2018, is tasked with the reviewing regulatory policy, coding, and clinical updates, commenting to agencies on behalf of ACDIS, and providing summary, interpretation, and analysis to ACDIS members.
The Committee kicked off a new initiative for...Read More »