The curse of adult life is that we seem to spend all our time exclaiming that we cannot believe how fast the time is passing. Can you believe summer is over? Can you believe little Johnny is in college now? Can you believe that we’re in the fourth quarter of...Read More »
I get by with a little help from my friends – The Beatles
And don’t we know that to be true: so, we’d like to ask for a bit of help.
The ACDIS Resource Library Committee is looking for new and helpful sample resources to review! By this, we mean the committee is looking...Read More »
The ACDIS CDI Scholarship deadline has been extended to the end of the day November 30. Don’t miss your opportunity to apply for some of these excellent educational opportunities:
In observance of the Thanksgiving holiday, the ACDIS office will be closed on Thursday and Friday, November 23-24, and reopen on Monday, November 27. Because of this, our CDI Strategies newsletter will be abbreviated as well.
The ACDIS national team hopes you take time next week...Read More »
I often call the annual CDI Salary Survey one of our “tent pole publications.” Outside of position papers and white papers, which come out on a rolling basis based on the needs of the community and the work of the ACDIS Advisory Board, the Salary Survey, the...Read More »
We're delighted to share that the new episode of the ACDIS Podcast is available! This week our guest is Anne Espinoza, RN, MBA, CCDS, CDIP, the executive director of clinical documentation, denials management, utilization review and patient education at Froedtert &...Read More »
The purpose of the annual ACDIS CDI Scholarship program is to assist CDI professionals in enhancing their careers with further education and to increase collaboration among their colleagues by sharing knowledge. If you are a CDI professional...Read More »