One of my physicians recently documented this statement “urine MRSA positive, but patient asymptomatic and vital signs stable, likely colonization from chronic catheter.” Based on this documentation, could we code a catheter-associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI)?Read More »
Sona Buchanan, MBA, BSN, RN, CPHQ, CPC, CRC, is the system HIM manager—CDI and TV IRF-PAI, at St. Luke’s Health System in Boise, Idaho, a member of the Idaho ACDIS local chapter, and a member of the ACDIS CDI Leadership Council.Read More »
One of my favorite things about working for ACDIS is talking with so many knowledgeable people about their CDI programs, careers, and personal experiences for our CDI Journal articles.
PSI, the company that administers the CCDS and CCDS-O exams, is working hard to adapt to the changing times due to COVID-19 while keeping a focus of the safety and success of our CCDS/CCDS-O candidates. PSI follows safety procedures in line with federal, state, and local...Read More »
Did you know that even if you aren’t a member of ACDIS, there are still tons of free resources available to you? While ACDIS members have lots of great benefits, we want to make sure that we’re providing our non-...Read More »
The National Association of Healthcare Revenue Integrity (NAHRI), ACDIS’ sister association, is looking for applicants for their inaugural Leadership Council.Read More »
Local chapter leaders do everything they can to keep members connected, especially during these times of social distancing. Many are holding virtual meetings in place of in-person ones, at times opening these events to any local chapter members even those from different states. Still, it can be...Read More »